• Household enquiry form reminders issued –

    We have had the best ever response to our household canvass and are very grateful to the 77,000 householders who have responded using our cost-efficient auto-response services. We are very keen to keep the momentum going and would urge any household that has not yet responded to do so as soon as possible.  The law […]

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  • Nearly 80,000 Grampian households help save public funds

    A record-breaking 77,504 households in Grampian have responded using our automated response service within the first month of the annual household canvass.  This is a 17% increase in take up of our automated response service compared to last year and means that more households than ever before are saving our postage costs by responding online […]

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  • Help save up to £100,000 of public funds – respond to your canvass form using our automated response service

    We have just issued household enquiry forms to 276,000 households.  We can save up to £100,000 of public money if every household responds online, by text or by phone by 20 July 2018 rather than posting the form back to us. To do this now you will need the security codes that are on the […]

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  • Public Notice – unaudited accounts for year ended 31 March 2018

    Details of how to inspect the Board’s unaudited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018 can be found by following the link below; Unaudited Accounts 2017/18

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  • Electoral Canvass 2018

    The start of the 2018 canvass coincides with National Democracy Week, a week-long celebration of democracy in society in this historic Centenary year of Suffrage. Assessors and EROs in Scotland have combined to provide a short film where individuals talk about what democracy means to them – film available here What does democracy mean to you? […]

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  • Valuation Roll appeals

    The Secretary to the Aberdeen City Valuation Appeal Committee has issued citations for a hearing on 27 June 2018. Details of the hearing and a list of the appeals to be heard can be found here https://www.grampian-vjb.gov.uk/valuation-roll/valuation-roll-appeals/valuation-appeal-committee/

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  • 6 February 2018 marks the centenary of (some) women being entitled to vote

    On this day in 1918 the Representation of the People Act granted some women over the age of 30 the right to vote.  It was not until 1928 that women and men were granted the same rights to vote in elections. Democracy is still denied from many across the globe.  Britain is considered to have […]

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  • 95,000 Grampian households respond online

    We are following up any households who have still to get round to responding to their household enquiry forms.  The law requires us to visit each household who does not respond to the autumn 2017 household canvass. So far 95,000 households have responded online – this is a significant increase on the 80,000 households who […]

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  • Electoral registers revised

    The electoral registers were revised for 1 December.  We are pleased to report that almost 95,000 households responded to the annual canvass using digital media – this is a significant increase on the 80,000 households who responded online in 2016 and helps us to keep our postage and processing costs down. The 1 December 2017 […]

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  • Shooting rights and deer forests

    The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 removed the exemption from non-domestic rates that had applied to shooting rights and deer forests from 1 April 2017.   This means that shooting rights over land and deer forests are now valued for rating purposes.  We issued valuation notices for the bulk of subjects over the last week that […]

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