• Household canvass – save time and money – go online before 7 September

    Canvass forms will be delivered to addresses in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray this week.  They help us keep the electoral register up to date by asking each household to confirm who is living at their address. Save time and public money by responding online.  Online responses save 70% on our administration costs.   Also, if  you […]

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  • Revaluation 2017 – make sure we have the information

    We are working hard to revalue the 25,000 non-domestic properties in Grampian for the next national revaluation that takes effect in Scotland, England and Wales on 1 April 2017.  If you have received a questionnaire from us seeking information on rents, costs or other information related to properties, please ensure you return it to us […]

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  • Latest news on EU referendum

    The deadline for updating your registration details ahead of the referendum that will take place on 23 June has now passed.  If you have just moved house you may still be registered to vote relative to your former address and therefore be able to cast your vote at your former polling station. If your former […]

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  • EU Referendum registration deadline extended to 23:59hrs Thursday 9 June 2016

    Minister for Cabinet Office, Matt Hancock,  has announced this afternoon – ‘Following discussions with the Electoral Commission and strong cross-party support expressed in the House of Commons, we will introduce secondary legislation to extend the deadline for voter registration until midnight tomorrow.’ ‘Having taken the decision today, we think it is right to extend to […]

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  • EU Referendum – 3 important points

    If you were registered to vote in time for the Scottish Parliament elections that took place on 5 May, you will stay registered until your circumstances change.  You do not have to re-register to take part in the EU referendum. If you have not got round to registering to vote, or your circumstances have changed, […]

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  • Registered to vote for life!

    The deadline for registering to vote in the Scottish Parliamentary Election was Monday 18 April, so if you’re not already registered, you’re too late to register to vote on 5 May. If you did get registered in time, well done – you are now registered to vote for life*.   Once registered you stay registered […]

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  • Get ready for the Scottish Parliament elections

    Almost 440,000 voters in Grampian are ready to vote in Scottish Parliament elections that take place on 5 May 2016. Current records show that 439,265 electors in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray have registered to vote.  This is a net increase of nearly 4,000 electors since December 2015 and reflects updated registrations made following the 2015 […]

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  • Revised electoral registers published

    We have published the revised electoral registers following the autumn canvass.  If you have still not returned your household form or responded to a letter asking you to register to vote, please return your completed form and if necessary, register to vote online by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.  We update […]

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  • Welcome to our new website

    This website seeks to provide the electorate, ratepayers and council tax payers in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray with easy to access information on our registration and valuation assessment services. We would welcome any feedback you can give us on our website – just use the contact form and let us know what you think.

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