Electoral Registration Officers contact all residential addresses in their area every year to help establish if the information currently held on the electoral register is complete and accurate. This is a legal framework that must be followed.

Depending on their particular circumstances, different households will receive different styles of communication, one of which might be by email. Contact by email may be from “ero@grampian-vjb.gov.uk”, “electoral-registration@grampian-vjb.gov.uk” or “grampian.electoral.registration.office@notifications.service.gov.uk”

All properties will be divided up into one of 3 routes.

Route 1 – This will be properties where subject to national and local data matching, the ERO is content that the information held is unlikely to have changed.

Route 2 – This will be properties where subject to national and local data matching, there is an indication that information may have changed.

Route 3  – This is properties where all residents are not related and there is a responsible person who can confirm details, e.g. Care Homes or University Student Accommodation.

More detail regarding these 3 routes can be found below.

  • Route 1

    Route 1

    All properties in this category will have two styles of communications, either electronic or paper.


    Where we hold your email address we will send an electronic communication confirming the details of those registered in the household. You will need to follow the instructions in the email to confirm the details are correct by visiting our response website here; www.elecreg.co.uk/grampian-e and entering the security code etc. detailed in the email

    If you do not respond to the email, you will be sent a Paper communication (see below).


    You will receive a hard copy “Canvass Communication A” letter from us detailing those currently registered. You must let us know of any changes or inaccuracies in these details. The easiest way to let us know of any changes is by visiting our response service website www.elecreg.co.uk/grampian You will need the security details from the letter.

  • Route 2

    Route 2

    There are a variety of ways in which we will communicate with households that fall into the Route 2 category.

    Initial contact for all households will be through the Canvass Communication B Letter.

    Canvass Communication B

    This letter MUST be responded to by someone within the household. The easiest way to respond is via our online response service at www.elecreg.co.uk/grampian

    If you have not responded by the date in the letter then you will either receive one or more of the following contacts

    • Canvass Form
    • Email
    • Telephone Call
    • Personal Visit
  • Route 3

    Route 3

    Only specific properties will fit into this category. These are those that have multiple residents that are unrelated and are managed by individuals. This would include Care Homes, Nursing Homes, children’s residential accommodation & certain student accommodation properties.

    If you live in one of these categories, you won’t necessarily receive any direct communication, this will be dealt with by the relevant manager/responsible person where you stay.